1 Environment and datasets

1.1 Setup environment

options(scipen = 999)
  odir <- "D:/GSoC2020/Results/"
}else if(dir.exists("~/Documents/recherche-enseignement/code/R/NNbenchmark-project/NNtempresult/"))
  odir <- "~/Documents/recherche-enseignement/code/R/NNbenchmark-project/NNtempresult/"
  odir <- "~"

nrep <- 5
maxit2ndorder  <-    200
maxit1storderA <-   1000
maxit1storderB <-   5000
maxit1storderC <-  10000
maxit1storderD <- 100000

1.2 Datasets to test

##      Dataset n_rows n_inputs n_neurons n_parameters
## 1     mDette    500        3         5           26
## 2  mFriedman    500        5         5           36
## 3  mIshigami    500        3        10           51
## 4    mRef153    153        5         3           22
## 5     uDmod1     51        1         6           19
## 6     uDmod2     51        1         5           16
## 7  uDreyfus1     51        1         3           10
## 8  uDreyfus2     51        1         3           10
## 9    uGauss1    250        1         5           16
## 10   uGauss2    250        1         4           13
## 11   uGauss3    250        1         4           13
## 12 uNeuroOne     51        1         2            7

2 Dedicated functions by packages

2.1 BNN Train/predict Function - arguments x,y

BNN.method <- "none"
hyperParams.BNN <- function(optim_method, ...) {
    return(list(iter = maxit1storderD, popN = 10, nCPUs = 10))
NNtrain.BNN <- function(x, y, dataxy, formula, neur, optim_method, hyperParams,...) {
    hyper_params <- do.call(hyperParams.BNN, list(BNN.method, ...))
    NNreg <- BNN::BNNsel(X = x,Y = y,hid_num = neur,train_num = (nrow(dataxy)-1), 
                  total_iteration = hyper_params$iter, popN = hyper_params$popN, 
                  nCPUs = hyper_params$nCPUs)
    return (NNreg)
NNpredict.BNN <- function(object, x, ...)
    c(object$fit, object$pred)
NNclose.BNN <- function()
  if("package:BNN" %in% search())
    detach("package:BNN", unload=TRUE)
BNN.prepareZZ <- list(xdmv = "m", ydmv = "v", zdm = "d", scale = TRUE)
res <- trainPredict_1data(1, BNN.method, "NNtrain.BNN", "hyperParams.BNN", "NNpredict.BNN", 
                               NNsummary, "NNclose.BNN", NA, BNN.prepareZZ, nrep=5, echo=TRUE, doplot=FALSE,
                               pkgname="BNN", pkgfun="BNN", csvfile=TRUE, rdafile=TRUE, odir=odir)
res <- trainPredict_1mth1data(1, BNN.method[1], "NNtrain.BNN", "hyperParams.BNN", "NNpredict.BNN", 
                               NNsummary, BNN.prepareZZ, nrep=5, echo=TRUE, doplot=FALSE,
                               pkgname="BNN", pkgfun="BNN", csvfile=TRUE, rdafile=TRUE, odir=odir)

3 Launch the NN package

res <- trainPredict_1pkg(1:2, pkgname = "BNN", pkgfun = "BNNsel", BNN.method,
  prepareZZ.arg = BNN.prepareZZ, nrep = nrep, doplot = TRUE,
  csvfile = TRUE, rdafile = TRUE, odir = odir, echo = FALSE)

4 Results

kable(t(apply(res, c(1,4), min)))%>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed"))
mDette 0.9358 0.8757 0.7527 3.6542 21.95
mFriedman 0.0294 0.0009 0.0228 0.0841 25.38
mIshigami 1.6159 2.6112 1.1502 5.5863 22.84
mRef153 4.2381 17.9614 3.1880 14.2094 9.67
uDmod1 0.3700 0.1369 0.2988 0.9969 7.80
uDmod2 0.2968 0.0881 0.2527 0.6157 7.75
uDreyfus1 0.0122 0.0001 0.0097 0.0376 7.77
uDreyfus2 0.0950 0.0090 0.0730 0.2328 7.67
uGauss1 10.4421 109.0369 8.5235 28.9261 12.33
uGauss2 6.2237 38.7339 4.9376 16.5715 12.04
uGauss3 3.5014 12.2595 2.7198 10.1987 12.62
uNeuroOne 0.3405 0.1159 0.2831 0.7512 7.69
kable(t(apply(res, c(1,4), median)))%>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed"))
mDette 1.2636 1.5968 0.9405 6.8995 23.67
mFriedman 0.0320 0.0010 0.0260 0.0885 26.31
mIshigami 2.5337 6.4198 2.1835 6.6712 26.61
mRef153 4.2940 18.4383 3.2814 14.4490 10.15
uDmod1 0.3709 0.1376 0.2998 0.9979 7.82
uDmod2 0.2972 0.0884 0.2531 0.6169 7.80
uDreyfus1 0.0226 0.0005 0.0200 0.0542 7.85
uDreyfus2 0.1069 0.0114 0.0840 0.2642 7.80
uGauss1 10.4803 109.8361 8.5672 29.4434 12.64
uGauss2 7.1107 50.5615 4.9682 22.2460 12.26
uGauss3 3.8620 14.9154 2.9733 12.0896 12.97
uNeuroOne 0.3699 0.1368 0.3075 0.7961 7.74